What is rp_manager?
rp_manager is a discharger equalizer plus a software for Windows or Linux Operating systems that help us what batteries AAA are better to come in same pack.
rp_manager is not just a discharger its a equalizer too, cause it will discharge your batteries from top to 0.9Volt, per each cell, in this process rp_manager will get data from batteries and will be able to see what of them is best or worst and with the clould software you will be able to make correct groups of 4 units to put in the same pack and same car.
rp_manager will include a USB connector in order to be connected to your computer and send the entirely discharge process data to the computer, this computer software will create a .csv file for each battery under its name, and this file could be uploaded to our cloud system to select best batteries for the competitions.
This .csv file could be read for any kind of software like Excel or open Office and its write in a open code with a easy structure.
File format:
Column 1: Serial Number
Column 2: Battery name or battery code
Column 3: Time in seconds
Column 4: Voltage at this time
Column 5: Average Voltage
How to match batteries?
1. Connect your PC computer to the Discharger Equalizer rp_manager unit.
2. Install the software for your platform in your PC.
3. Install the drivers form your computer only in windows operating system is necessary.
4. Run the software.
5. Select the COM port.
6. Put the label on your battery.
7. Introduce the name of the battery in each channel.
8. Press Next button
9. Push Connect
10. Introduce each battery in the desired channel, please check the name of battery correspond to a name of channel position.
11. Wait and see the result on the screen.
12. One the process will end will appears at right of each channel “Finish” and a soon all channels are finished a next button will appear.
13. Push the button, save files in to your computer. Files will be saves on MyDocuments folder and they will be ready to upload to the cloud system
What will be necessary to the matching process?
1. rp_manager discharger equalizer
2. A USB Cable USB <–> Mini USB
3. 4 AAA batteries
4. A PC Computer, Ubuntu or Windows 10.
5. Some time.
6. If you want to upload the data to the cloud you will need create an account there.
Download Drivers:
Windows Drivers: *** Download ***
rp_manager – Linux Ubuntu 32b (Available soon)
Linux Drivers: You no need drivers.

If you have any question, please post your question in this article, We will try to reply a soon will be possible.

Video how to use rp_manager
I would like to match all my batteries, what is the best procedure?
We recommend you to be the more strict that you can, discharging and charging before match the batteries.
Our recommended procedure is:1. Discharge the pack with a cut on 1.0V per cell.
2. Charge the batteries at 1.0 Amp
3. After no more than 10 min put the batteries on the rp_manager and start the matching process.
Please understand that, results can be different if you change the method on charge and discharge previous to the matching process.
Can I use the rp_manager to know the best way to charge some kind of batteries?
Yes, you can, you can evaluate the results over same batteries changing the charge process and see what is the best way to charge looking the results.
Can the results be afected by the charger used?
Yes, If you mix everything your will a a good mix of results.
Where I can see the updates of the software?
You can see this link
Do you have a video with a tutorial?
Yes, but for the moment just in Spanish.Youtube channel
I try to open a cloud account and appears this error message: “Your aplication has ben denied, provided information is not correct”
There are diferent reasons that can cause this, the most typical is that you try to open an account with a incorrect serial number more than 2 times, if you fail more than 3 times, the system blocks your IP some hours.
Please could you try after 12h?
I have problems to install the drivers on my Windows 10 Operating system.
There are different ways to install drivers on a Windows 10 Operating System.
First think is download the driver from Download section and un pack cause the driver is coming with as zip file.
Second is when you plug the rp_manager and the operating system is asking you for a driver, you must select the folder where you have unpack the drivers.
Another way to install the driver is just click on right button on the file “ftdiport.inf” and click over install. Also over “ftdibus.inf”
Im sure this video from Youtube can help if you have another diferent operating system.
trpscale box rp_manager
by trpscale
on Sketchfab
Can I use rp_manager with Japanesse Computers?
When i run rp_manager I see strange numbers on screen such a impossible voltages or others issues.
This can happens if the software is running in a Japanese or Chinese windows 10.
There are some different solutions:
Solution 1:
Set up the locale ID for non Unicode software in Spanish or English.
Solution 2:
If you do not want restart the windows each time you change this locale ID, you can use this software to SET LOCALE
Solution 3: (Recommended)
It’s use a rp_manager software Version > 1.2. With rp_manager 1.2 or higher its solved this problem with international computer issues.
CSV Files, when I see the CSV Files seams that some values are missing cause time is not increasing one by one. Is all going well?
Yes, all ingoing well, the CSV files only contain values when rp_manager is discharging. The rp_manager is discharging by pulses, so we only take in account the values of voltage when is in discharging process.
I got same discharge time for each battery, discharge must be the same on all batteries, but discharging mAMp are not the same, why?
mAmp are different cause the mAmp are calculated by the “Ohm Law” based on “I = U/R” and not all batteries have the same internal resistance.
Why only rp batteries have image on the cloud?
Cause other manufacturers have not applied to be our sponsors ;-(
Unfortunately, I’m experiencing some issues with the RP Manager program. For some reason, it keeps crashing during discharge and on the end.
Restarting the program doesn’t help much either as it refuses to respond leaving me no other choice but to manually end its operation with task manager(CTRL-ALT-DEL).
Best regards,
Dirk Van Olmen
Hi Dirk, we detected this bug too under your instructions, this issue will be solved very soon in our next version.
Thank you for your report.
A new version is available now.
New version is 1.1.5990.1
Thank you
when i try to create an account to save to the cloud i get an error message “Your aplication has ben denied, provided information is not correct” i’m creating an account and using the correct serial number but keep getting this error
Dear Ruben:
There are diferent reasons that can cause this, the most tipical is that you try to open an account with a incorrect serial number, if you fail more than 3 times, the system blocks your IP for 12h.
Please could you try after 12h?
Buenas pues tengo una pregunta en unos de los canales donde sale descarga pausa descarga,bien pues en uno de ellos me salio idle ¿esto significa que la bateria esta mala?,tengo que desecharla verad.Gracias
Hola Francisco, Idle significa vacio. Si tienes un canal que indica esto, es porque o la bateria esta muy muy mal o porque no hay conexion correcta de la bateria.
Intenta poner otra bateria si la otra bateria funciona bien, entonces es problema de que la bateria que pones esta como que si no esta.
Dear RP,
Unfortunately, I’m experiencing same issues with the RP Manager program as first post. For some reason, it keeps crashing during discharge and on the end. Restarting the program doesn’t help much either as it refuses to respond leaving me no other choice but to manually end its operation with task manager(CTRL-ALT-DEL).
Best regards,
PS. I loaded 1.2 last night and it’s still crashing.
Hello Robert, thank you to report us this isues that we will try to solve, but please let us know your operating system, processor and Memory and if is a 32b or 64b.
We also need to know if the screen protector was enabled in any moment of the process, cause some computers after 15 min enter in a suspend mode and all processes are cuted.
Thank you.
Hello Robert, thank you to report us this isues that we will try to solve, but please let us know your operating system, processor and Memory and if is a 32b or 64b.
We also need to know if the screen protector was enabled in any moment of the process, cause some computers after 15 min enter in a suspend mode and all processes are cuted.
Thank you.
Operating System: Running Windows 7 Professional
System Type: 64B
Processor: Intel Core i7-46000 CPU @ 2.10 GHz
Memory: 16 GM
No Screen Protector Enabled
Also….I mis-informed you with my previous post. The program only crashes at the end after the file is saved.
Hello Robert:
I have uploaded a new version, will some small changes in order to see if runs better in your environment.
Thank you!
When i plug in i can do all steps. After introducing the batteries i see the Voltage of the batteries, but when i klick on start nothing happens. Any Idea?
Please could you send us a video of your screen? I would help to detect the problem.
It’s Linux version ready soon? Is there an beta release to try?
Yes, Linux/Ubuntu version its ready, in fact was the first software that I made. But seams people was no t interested on ubuntu and finally i have not post on the website. I will make the pakage, and I will post to download.
Looking forward to check out and test the Linux version!
HI Tobias, I have sent you a Beta verison for Linux, please test it, and report me if there is any improvement.
Could I please ask for linux version? Thank you.
It is possible to use TRP manager to match aaa PN liion 3,7 volt batteries?
Thanks in advance for your reply
I don’t think so.
The hardware was studied to support 1.5V for each channel.
Linux version is already made, but i need pack in a debian pack or snap.